Download music for iMovie. In a perfect world, you’d be able to add any song you want to your.
Let’s face it: iMovie’s audio library kinda sucks. In this short tutorial, you’ll learn how to add music to iMovie — on both Mac and iPhone — and make better videos as a result.
With iMovie, Apple offers a world of opportunity to anyone interested in making videos.
- Download iMovie for Mac & read reviews. Video editing for the average Joe.
- Download The Best Free iMovie Alternative for Mac OS. In spite of the truth that iMovie is an easy to master video editor and successful movie maker with millions of users, there are many people that are finding iMovie alternatives, better for free, like iMovie is for Apple devices.
- To save an iMovie to your Mac, you can navigate to the Projects tab in the iMovie app or click on the File menu from the top toolbar. Visit Business Insider's homepage for more stories.
The software allows you to cut clips, add transitions, overlay titles, and much more — all for free. But if you’ve ever used it, you likely know that iMovie’s seven-song music library is… shall we say, underwhelming?
The good news is you’re not stuck with that tiny, trite collection. Adding other music to your videos in iMovie is a breeze. Let’s walk through the short steps for both Mac and iOS devices now.
Recommended reading: How to Create a Quicktime Screen Recording with Audio »
1. Download music for iMovie
In a perfect world, you’d be able to add any song you want to your video. But in reality, it’s usually not that straightforward.
To adhere to copyright laws, all major video platforms — including YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and Vimeo — enforce certain music policies. Here’s YouTube’s, for example.
If you violate these policies, your video may be removed or monetized through ads (to pay the copyright holders). And here’s the kicker: This applies for both commercial and personal use.
So, even if you’re just sharing a photo slideshow of your nephew’s bar mitzvah (mazel tov!) on Facebook, your video may be removed if it contains protected music.
The simplest solution? License copyright-cleared music.
Copyright-cleared music isn’t copyright-free (a common misconception). It just means it’s been approved for use on various platforms. As a result, videos with copyright-cleared music don’t get flagged, taken down, or penalized in any other way.
All of the music I offer on this website is copyright-cleared. So you can safely license any of my songs or — if you want to dramatically increase your musical options —become a Music for Makers Unlimited customer. When you do, you’ll get instant access to hundreds of exclusive tracks that you can then import into iMovie.
But I digress.
Regardless of where you decide to source your music, go ahead and download your song of choice on your computer and open it in iTunes. (If you’re going to be working on iOS and don’t want to use iTunes for some reason, you can alternatively upload the file to your iCloud Drive.)
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2. Import music to iMovie
Get your music handy. It’s time to bring it into iMovie and make some magic.
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How to add music to iMovie on a Mac
Open your iMovie project and click the “Audio” tab in the top left. (Make sure “iTunes” is selected in the left panel.) You should then see your entire iTunes library. Search for the song you’d like to use — the one you just added to iTunes in the previous step.
Pro tip: On a Mac, you can also simply drag and drop audio files into iMovie’s media folder (or import by clicking the down arrow button in the top left side of the window) and skip the whole iTunes bit entirely.
How to add music to iMovie on iPhone / iOS
Open your iMovie project, tap the “+” button, and select “Audio.” On the following menu, tap “Songs,” and then find the song you’d like to use. (Can’t locate it? Make sure you’ve synced your iTunes library since adding the song on your computer.)
If you uploaded the song to your iCloud Drive rather than iTunes, select “iCloud Drive” instead of “Audio,” and navigate to the song file.
How To Download Imovie 2019 Macbook Pro
3. Add music and edit as necessary
Once you’ve found your song, drag it to the very bottom of the editing timeline component. (On iOS, just tap the song to have it automatically added.) This will anchor the track, ensuring it doesn’t get affected by any cuts or edits you make to other audio and video files.
Now, the odds are good that your background music won’t be the perfect length for your video. If it’s too long, grab the right side of the track and drag left. Then, click the fade handle (i.e., the small circle on the right edge of the track — I believe this is available on the Mac version of iMovie only) and drag it left to create a fade out.
If the track is too short, you’ll probably need to loop it. For tips on that, check out my beginner’s guide to audio editing.
Get your groove on
Ready to add music to iMovie and make some awesome videos? License a track from our library of royalty-free, copyright-cleared music.
Add photos and videos on a Mac
To add photos and videos from Photos into iMovie projects on your Mac, use the Libraries list in iMovie or drag them into iMovie from the Photos app.
Use the Libraries list in the iMovie sidebar
You can access your photo library in the Photos app from within iMovie:
- In the left-hand sidebar of the iMovie window, select Photos.
- Click the pop-up menu at the top of the browser to choose a content category—My Albums, Albums, Years, Collections, Moments, or Places.
- When you find the photo or video you’d like to use, drag it into the timeline of your project. If you add a photo, it appears for 3 to 6 seconds in your project, depending on the length of the transitions next to the photo. You can trim the photo in the timeline so it appears for a shorter or longer amount of time in your video.
- To replace an existing clip, drag the photo or video onto the clip you want to replace, then choose one of the replacement options.
If Photos isn't in the Libraries list, your Photos Library might not be designated as your System Photo Library. You can always drag photos and movies into your iMovie project.
Drag photos and videos into an iMovie project
You can drag photos from the Photos app directly into the timeline of your iMovie project.
To drag a video from the Photos app into an iMovie project, drag the video you’d like to use from Photos to your Desktop, then drag the video from the Desktop into the timeline of your iMovie project.
How To Download Imovie Mac
If you drag a video directly from the Photos app into the iMovie timeline, it appears for 3 to 6 seconds in your project as a still image.
How To Use Imovie On Mac
Add photos and videos on an iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch
How To Download Imovie Video
- In iMovie, create a movie project or create a trailer project.
- With your project open, scroll the timeline so the playhead (the white vertical line) appears where you want to add the image or video clip.
- Tap , then tap the location where the photo or video is stored. For example, if the photo or video is in the photo library of the Photos app, tap Moments, Video, Photos, or Albums.
- Tap the photo or video you want to add.
- If you're adding a video clip, you can preview the clip, edit the clip, and more before you add it to the timeline of your project. When you're ready to add the video clip, tap .
- If you added a photo, it appears for 3 to 6 seconds in the timeline of your project, depending on the length of the transitions before and after the photo. You can trim the photo in the timeline so it appears for a shorter or longer amount of time in your video.