How To Switch Download Folder Mac

  1. On your Mac, select a disk, folder, or file, then choose File Get Info. If the information in Sharing & Permissions isn’t visible, click the disclosure triangle. Click the lock icon to unlock it. Enter an administrator name and password. Click a user or group in the Name column, then choose a privilege setting from the pop-up menu.
  2. When you install the Microsoft OneDrive sync app for Mac, a copy of your OneDrive is downloaded to your Mac and put in the OneDrive folder. This folder is kept in sync with OneDrive. If you add, change, or delete a file or folder on the OneDrive website, the file or folder is added, changed, or deleted in your OneDrive folder and vice versa.
  3. Within the Finder follow these 4 steps: (1) Select the macOS default Download folder and go to File Get Info. (2) At top left of the Info window, click the icon and then go to Edit Copy. (3) Select the other folder you've set up to be your Downloads folder and then go to File Get Info. (4) Click the icon at top left and then go to Edit.
  1. Switch Download Folder Location
  2. Open My Downloads Folder Mac
  3. How To Switch Download Folder Mac Pro

iCloud Drive is a space saver and handy tool to keep storage on your MacBook optimised. It automatically manages space without removing the files and folders, so you can still access them seamlessly without having to download them manually first. While moving Desktop and Document folders is a breeze, other system related folders – like Downloads – are met with an error message.

If you are just moving any folder you created, simply drag and drop, remove the original and create an alias to the new one in the original location. This guide is mostly relevant for system folders that other programs may rely on.

For example, I like to keep my temporary files in the Downloads folder which has the habit of growing to quite a large size. Keeping it on iCloud Drive, which just doubled my storage to 2TB for the same cost makes sense and is a handy way to free up space. Here’s a quick guide on how to move it:

Switch Download Folder Location


How to Change Where Screenshots Get Saved on Mac (Prior to Mojave) Open a Finder window and press Shift-Command-N to create a new folder where you want your screenshots to be saved, and give the. How to edit and add files to a folder on a Mac. Once your new folder is created, it will be called 'untitled folder.' To change its name, you can either do a slow double click on its name, or you. Navigate to the location where you want the files to be stored. Click the Select button. Click the Close button to exit Preferences. To download a specific image that appears on a web page, move your pointer over the image, right-click, and choose Save Image As from the pop-up menu that appears.

  1. Simply drag and drop your downloads folder to iCloud drive, which will upload the files in the background so you can get on with things
  2. Trying to remove the Downloads folder to replace it with an alias (link) to the new location results in an error message, so here’s the workaround:
  3. Open the (you can use Spotlight search if you don’t have a shortcut in your dock by hitting cmd+space and typing Terminal)
  4. Drag the Downloads folder from its new location in iCloud Drive to the Terminal window, which automatically changes you into the right directory
  5. Type in “pwd” to note the path to the Downloads folder in the iCloud Drive, which is not easy to ascertain otherwise
  6. Open a new Terminal window by pressing cmd+N and type in the following (or copy and paste):
  7. Enter the password you use to log into your Mac and press OK to remove the old Downloads folder
  8. Now type in the following command to link the Downloads folder from iCloud Drive to your home folder: sudo

    The key thing to note here is that when you copy and paste the location from step 5 (pwd) earlier that you need to add a backslash to the end of Mobile like in my example above. Also, you need to replace <YOUR USERNAME> with whatever the name of your home folder happens to be, which is usually your username. Your path may be totally different, so check it against the output from step 5 (pwd).

How to switch download folder mac 10

Open My Downloads Folder Mac

Caveat emptor: Your mileage may vary, let me know on Twitter or by posting a comment.


A huge chunk of the fun that you’ll find on the web is the ability to download images and other files to your MacBook. If you’ve visited a site that offers files for downloading, typically you just click the Download button or the download file link, and Safari takes care of the rest.

How To Switch Download Folder Mac Pro

While the file is downloading, feel free to continue browsing or even download additional files; the Downloads status list helps you keep track of what’s going on and when everything will be finished transferring. To display the Download status list from the keyboard, press cmd+Option+L. You can also click the Download button at the upper-right corner of the window to display the Download list.

By default, Safari saves any downloaded files to the Downloads folder that appears in your Dock. To change the specified location where downloaded files are stored — for example, if you’d like to save them directly to the desktop or scan them automatically with an antivirus application — follow these steps:

  1. Choose Safari→Preferences or press cmd+, (comma).

  2. Click the General tab, and then click the Save Downloaded Files To pop-up menu.

  3. Choose Other.

  4. Navigate to the location where you want the files to be stored.

  5. Click the Select button.

  6. Click the Close button to exit Preferences.

To download a specific image that appears on a web page, move your pointer over the image, right-click, and choose Save Image As from the pop-up menu that appears. Safari prompts you for the location where you want to store the file.

You can choose to automatically open files that Safari considers safe — things such as movies, text files, and PDF files that are unlikely to store a virus or a damaging macro. By default, the Open “Safe” Files after Downloading check box is selected. If you’re interested in preventing anything you download from running until you’ve manually checked it with your antivirus application, you can deselect the check box.

Luckily, Safari has matured to the point where it can seamlessly handle most multimedia file types that it encounters. However, if you’ve downloaded a multimedia file and Safari doesn’t seem to be able to play or display it, try loading the file in QuickTime Player. QuickTime Player can recognize a huge number of audio, video, and image formats. (Also, consider the freeware Perian QuickTime plug-in.)